
I have been able in the last week to start sewing. The first few sessions were a bit experimental, but on reviewing what I did I think I'll only have to resew four or five of the pictures.

Since then I've probably done around twenty hours, and although I'm not getting any faster, I'm happier with the quality of the 'drawn' line.

I don't know if my digital photography is good enough to show the detail well.

I'm estimating that the embroidery for the dress will take 100 hours altogether, I think I'm reluctant to calculate it again in case its going to be more.

Its good to see the two pieces alongside each other as they're being sewn in different places, the coloured one at the workshop, and the pale one at home in the evenings. The pale one will go on the front of the dress, and the coloured one on the back.
The arrangement of the pictures is the same for both. The slight variations have occured because I placed the cut out fabric by eye from the drawn version. As soon as I'd finished cutting and pinning the pale one, it came home so I could start sewing in the evenings, so it wasn't available to refer to as I pinned the coloured one.
I think the differences are okay.


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